Pioneer AVH-Z3000DAB specifications.
Car media players Specs << Pioneer << Pioneer AVH-Z3000DAB
Composition Pioneer AVH-Z3000DAB
General characteristics Pioneer AVH-Z3000DAB
Type of Monitor:
Touch Screen
Type of Display:
Touch Screen
Power (Max):
50.0 W
Built-in Hard Drive
Supported carriers and formats Pioneer AVH-Z3000DAB
Supported File Formats:
Interfaces Pioneer AVH-Z3000DAB
USB Input
Wireless Pioneer AVH-Z3000DAB
Wireless & Apps:
Android Auto
Popular today
Radio: AM; Type of Player: DVD Player; Type of Equalizer: Graphic Equalizer; Monitor Resolution: 800x480; Type of Display: LCD; Memory Card Reader: Micro SD; Supported Disc Formats: DVD; Connections: ...
Radio: AM; Type of Player: CD Player; Monitor Size: 6.2 "; Type of Monitor: LCD; Type of Display: Touch Screen; Power (Max): 50.0 W; Attributes: Hands Free; Supported File Formats: AAC; Supported Disc...